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Does Teeth Whitening Hurt? Bleaching, also called “bleaching” is a very common practice in the dental field and is a precious tool

Dr. Anna Zorzo specializes in dental hygiene

How good does it feel to have a beautiful smile? Today more than ever we want to improve the aesthetics of our smile to convey vitality, beauty and harmony. Just think that since ancient times populations have given great importance to teeth, already the Egyptians and Phoenicians tried some methods of teeth whitening with the use of potassium carbonate and sunlight to make our smile brighter.


What product is used?

The professional has many materials available to act on both vital and devitalized teeth.

Avoid home experiments with bicarbonate and lemon because they are very acidic and abrasive substances that create permanent damage to the dental enamel and contact your dentist who has the knowledge and the means to improve the color of your teeth in total safety.

The products that are used are based on hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide and both release oxygen molecules necessary to break the bonds of the tooth’s pigmentation.

This chemical process improves the aesthetics of the hard tissues of the tooth and makes them whiter.


How many techniques are there?

Why is it important to contact the dentist for this type of treatment? Because we are not all the same! The professional must carefully evaluate the possibility of performing “bleaching” and above all with which technique to proceed.

The technique performed in the Cappellina clinic, called “in-office”, involves the use of hydrogen peroxide gel at high concentrations.

Generally with a couple of 45 min applications you get a good result.

The advantages of this method are certainly the reduction in treatment times, constant control by the professional and the immediate appreciation of the whitening effect.

There is also a “home” technique which involves the use of gels with lower concentrations (usually based on carbamide peroxide) inserted inside customized masks (the gel in this way does not come into contact with the gums).

teeth whitening

home whitening involves the use of customized masks that are prepared and delivered to the patient

The masks are worn for a few hours during the day or all night.

The duration of the treatment is longer but this allows you to whiten more gradually by monitoring the progress of the treatment day by day. Depending on the desired result, it is therefore easy to increase application times. Furthermore, only with this technique is it possible to extend up to the molars. Often both techniques are used to achieve the perfect result.


How long does it last? Does Teeth Whitening Hurt?

The duration varies from person to person. Lifestyle certainly affects maintenance: it is clear that smoking and highly pigmenting substances such as coffee, tea, licorice, red wine can cause relapses more frequently.

Whitening doesn’t hurt, as long as you use the right product in the right way.

Our products are safe and have a controlled pH, so they cannot cause harm, unlike many products that are now easily available on the internet.

Unfortunately, many videos visible on the web and on social networks present whitening products that guarantee results on very stained teeth or even on prosthetic crowns but the declared results are very far from reality.

Entrust your smile to a professional who can advise you on the best path and the right technique for your case


teeth whitening

Doctor Anna Zorzo at work at the Cappellina Clinic