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Bulbous nose : how can it be solved?

The rhinoplasty of the tip of the big nose, called globosa is a surgery that requires a plastic surgeon expert in rhinoplast

bulbous tip nose

dr Diego and Cesare Cappelina during a rhinoplasty

One of the most common requests from patients who come to our clinic is to reduce the size of their nose. Today we will focus on a particular aspect of the nose, namely the so-called globular tip

What is a bublous nose?

A bulbous nose is a nose that has an enlarged or poorly defined tip. The problem with appearance is often an imbalance between the upper and lower halves of the nose.

Usually in cosmetic surgery we define the dorsal aesthetic lines of the nose as two parallel imaginary lines that from the two eyebrows reach the tip of the nose.

When the tip is large it alters this proportion and is therefore more evident.

bulbous nose

The tip of the nose can be globular due to:

– excess cartilage

– skin too thick

It is good to diagnose the defect in order to understand what the surgical solution is

Usually it is the male sex who is the master: statistically it is more male subjects who present this problem


How do we evaluate the tip defect?

First of all, it is good to understand if in addition to the tip defect there are other problems, such as a hump, a deviation of the septum that require a complete approach.

Performing a rhinoplasty has often been compared, with good reason, to playing chess: i

t is also called a step surgery: often the correction of a partial defect brings out defects that were not evident in the first analysis, which must be corrected: for this reason it is an accurate preoperative photographic analysis is important.

For this reason, in the operating room we project the photos of the preoperative surgery on the assigned screen, in order to have an objective comparison parameter.


How do we correct the tip defect?

There are several toe correction techniques.

With the open approach, however, we are able to be more precise in reducing the remodeling of the tip: through a small incision in the skin between the two nostrils, the so-called columella, we are able to perform a precise detachment and dominate the antomic situation of the tip

bulbous nose

the incision of the open rhinoplasty technique

in this way, on the one hand we are able to remove excess cartilage, on the other hand, if necessary, thin the excess of internal mucosa, if the defect of the large tip is due to an excessive thickness of the mucous / skin layer.

On the other hand, the new trend is to resolve by remodeling the cartilages, rather than removing them. The experience of over 40 years of rhinoplasty has shown that excessive cartilage removal can lead to visible defects and retractions years after the rhinoplasty itself.

bulbous nose

a nose after rhinoplasty must have a stable result

The bulbous nose, on the other hand, must “last”, it must be more stable and stronger than in pre-surgery. For this reason, through the open technique, we are able to remodel the cartilages through sutures. In this way we will have a stable and lasting result

How much is the recovery after toe rhinoplasty?

Let’s start from a concept: bulbous nose rhinoplasty is not a painful operation. That said, you need to rest and avoid all activities that can raise the pressure. Indicatively, the recovery is in the order of 5/6 days.

we keep the splint or chalk for 7 days

As regards specifically the tip rhinoplasty, the recovery can be even minor: if it is actually an isolated defect of the tip, which does not require fractures (osteotomies) the recovery is 3/4 days

the Cappellina Clinic is a structure specialized in Aesthetic Surgery