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breast augmentation what is it?
During the first visit to the Cappellina Clinic we explain in a clear and detailed way what mammoplasty is:

migliore chirurgo plastico vicenza

Diego and Cesare Cappellina are certified plastic surgeons

Patients often come to the visit at our clinic with a lot of information, which, however, instead of clarifying, creates many doubts and perplexities.

For this reason we invest the necessary time in the two cognitive visits before the surgery with two certified plastic surgeons

breast augmentation what is it?

Doctor Diego Cappellina during a consultation

We explain what mammoplasty is and what are the achievable goals.

It is in fact important that our patients understand what the aims of the intervention are, the alternatives but above all the limits.

Only in this way will the patient be happy and fully satisfied with the result

Today we focus more on the patient’s wishes, expectations and explanations, without of course neglecting the attention to detail of the surgical technique.

breast augmentation what is it?

We analyze and discuss each case in the Clinic

It seems trivial, but we often repeat and stress certain concepts: only in this way our patients at the end of the two visits preceding the day of the surgery are fully aware and are therefore ready to face the surgery.

Usually the first source of knowledge for patients is google or social networks (facebook -instagram-youtube)

Welcome, we are increasingly pleased to have patients who are interested and informed.

However, taking a peek at social networks, we realize more and more often that the so-called pills that are given to patients through these channels are nothing more than a minimum part of the information that a patient needs for breast augmentation.

Other times, to entice the patients, online cost estimates are given for the intervention: be wary of those looking for the patient’s click by betting everything on the price.

In fact, there are a whole series of breast augmentation operations: there may be a descent, the so-called ptosis, which may make it necessary to lift the mammary gland, the so-called mastopexy.

breast augmentation what is it?

the different degrees of descent of the mammary gland

There may be a breast asymmetry, which often causes psychological distress and insecurity in the patient, and for this reason it may be necessary to intervene at the end of the developmental age.

There may be a deformity, the so-called tuberous breast or pectus excavatum.

We therefore understand that addressing the delicate topic of mammoplasty only from an economic point of view, without specifically evaluating the case, is misleading for the patient, as well as unprofessional for the surgeon.

the different types of access, prosthesis planes and type of prosthesis make mammoplasty a varied and non-homologous intervention from patient to patient

Patients therefore often arrive at our clinic with partial and incorrect information: it is our job to stop, take stock, and reset all the information to ask ourselves: what is breast augmentation?

What is breast augmentation? it is a plastic surgery operation: for this reason we prepare it adequately, prescribing the examinations in preparation:

– blood test


ultrasound / mammography (depending on age)

In fact, ultrasound and mammography can find anomalies (cyst-fibroadenomas) that must be evaluated before surgery, if necessary and possible removed during surgery.

Before the surgery, usually during the second visit, we carefully check the tests we have prescribed and that the patient will have done in the meantime. In this way we explain the meaning of the tests, of any asterisks (values ​​outside the norm) and we understand if they allow you to perform the intervention safely.

During the second visit, we explain and sign the informed consent, i.e. the patient’s written permission to undergo surgery.

In addition to the written consent, we usually deliver a prospectus in which we repeat the information we talked about in the two visits, but you know: “verba volant, scripta manent”

Before the surgery, we explain to the patients the importance of getting a sports bra and elastic stockings.

Before the surgery, we explain to the patients the importance of getting a sports bra and elastic stockings.

We usually take care of them personally, in order to make the experience of the intervention the least traumatic and personalized.

In this way we arrive ready for surgery, both the surgeons and the patient and the patient’s family / partner.

in this way the patient will live the day of surgery ready to face the perioperative and post-operative

the Cappellina team in an intervention at the Cappellina Clinic

the Cappellina team engaged in an intervention at the Cappellina Clinic