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Rhinoplasty is one of the most fascinating surgeries: in the balance of the harmony of a face, the nose undoubtedly represents the element that immediately imprints in the judgment.

Sometimes an irregular profile, altered proportions between the tip of the nose, the hump, the root, the septal, modifies the balance of an entire face.

When a patient goes to the plastic surgeon to correct a deformity of the nose, it is best to first focus on the reason for which he has decided to have surgery, what result is wanted to be obtained, what technique can be used to achieve the result, where (in day surgery or hospitalization).
Historically, two rhinoplasty techniques have developed, the so-called traditional, or open, which forsees a small incision at the level of the columella, or rather between the two nostrils, and the so-called closed rhinoplasty, with internal scars.


The surgery lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. We use to do this surgery in Casa di Cura Villa Berica 
Although local anesthesia with sedation may be performed for minor adjustments, we generally prefer general anesthesia.
After the patient is asleep and intubated, the surgeon proceeds with the infiltration of anesthetic with vasoconstrictor, then the surgical access is performed, and the correction of the various deformities: correction of the hump or hump with rasp or osteotome, reduction of the nose tip volume, if necessary, correction of the septal deviation (with Otolaryngologist specialist), fracture of the asal bones to tighten the nose.

Sometimes it may be necessary to use cartilige grafts, taken from the ear or from the septal cartilage, to correct deformities and to make the nose more resistant over time.
It is good to have a surgical plan before entering the surgery room. Depending on the defect we can choose whether to use the open or closed technique: the open technique involves a small incision below the columella: this technique is indicated in cases with a globular nasal tip, very large, difficult to resolve without opening the nose. The closed technique, on the other hand, can be used in general when there are no particular defects at the tip.

According to the defect to be corrected, it is possible to intervene only on certain components (for example by eliminating the hump, correcting a globular tip) in the so-called partial rhinoplasty.

After the surgery, the compression patches and a protective plaster are placed, which helps to maintain the new shapes and protects the nose in the following days. This moment is important, and is to be considered a surgical time in all effects.
The plaster is removed in the clinic 7 days after surgery.


After the surgery, the patient is accompanied to the recovery room and from there to the hospital ward, where he stays for one night. Protective swabs are retained and removed the day after surgery. This is not a painful procedure.
In the first 24 hours after the operation, the patient rests in bed, with a semi-seated positiion, with ice placed over the plaster, in order to reduce the normal posto-surgery swelling.

The day after surgery, after removing the external swabs, the patient can be discharged. After about 3 days the patient will be examined in the ambulatory , while the plaster is removed after a week. After 7 days it is advisable to use paper plasters to reduce edema and guide the healing of internal wounds in the best way.
The patient can return to work after about 7 days from the surgery, while he must avoid performing sports for about 3 weeks.


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