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Breast reduction/mastopexy

What is it about?

Breast reduction/ mastopexy  surgery can be performed for many reasons: A too large and ptotic breast, that is sagging, can cause psychological discomfort for the person, as well as weighing on the vertebral column causing functional disturbances such as scoliosis.

What does the intervention consist of?

It can als cause rubbing injuries due to friction between the breast and the inframammary sulcus. Unlike breast augmentation, where the main procedure consists in the implantation of silicone breasts, breast reduction does not require the use of prosthetic implants.
By removing certain portions of the mammary gland and repositioning the breast in its natural position, a natural and lasting result is obtained.

Surgery Technique

The reduction mastoplasty surgery is performed under general anesthesia. It lasts about 2 hours and a half to three hours, depending on the initial size of the breast. The portion of breast removed is usually sent to the pathological anatomy to perform the histological examination.

Post surgery?

After the operation, the patient wakes up with gauzes and overall dressings on the breasts, drainages at the armpits, and sometimes a sports bra.
The patient is gently accompanied to the hospital bed.
During the first 24 hours after the operation, the patient is kept fasting to avoid nausea and vomiting which are possible inconveniences due to general anesthesia.
The next day the drains are normally removed.
The next day, the patient can calmly get out of bed and the first few times accompanied by nursing staff.
Depending on the type of surgery, the patient stays one or two nights in the hospital ward.
Two nights of postoperative hospital stay are recommended.
The reductive / mastopexy surgery involves the presence of scars, around the areola, vertical, and along the inframammary sulcus, the so-called inverted T scar.


Are you interested in breast surgery?


What does it foresee?

Most of the stitches are internal, made of absorbable material. External points of approach can be positioned, in some points of major tension.
If the breast volume has emptied excessively, for example after major weight loss, the use of breast implants may be indicated.
In this case the ‘Round Block’ technique, can be used. It was conceived in 1992 by Prof Benelli in Paris, also called “Tobacco bag” suture. This particular technique allows to create an only scar, positioned in a favorable aesthetic area, all around the areola. During a scrupulous and careful visit, the plastic surgeon will indicate to the patient which is the most suitable technique.


2 hours and 30 minutes



Average hospitalization

Two nights


2 months before jogging – 7 days work activities

Post-surgery course

After discharge, the patient must rest from work for about 7 days and should avoid exerting effort and lifting weights for about 2/3 weeks. Jogging activities are contraindicated for about 2 months. The patient will have medication twice a week. The scars, initially reddened, after a few weeks turn white and soft.

Before and After


Pre-post comparison mastopexy: through the self-prosthesis technique the lower pole of the gland gives projection and volume to the upper pole.

intervento seno prima intervento seno dopo
intervento seno prima intervento seno dopo


Mastopexy pre-operative profiles.


Mastopexy pre / post operative profiles: after a few weeks the scars still appear red; they are destined to improve until they are almost invisible.

intervento seno dopo intervento seno prima

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